Welcome to Sun Dragon Daylilies
- We are now updated for Spring 2025
- To order, email me at sundragondaylilies@gmail.com

We are now updated for Spring 2025 and are ready to take your order.
Full Price List and Quick Price List.
See my new pages on Daylilies for Permaculture Uses and my $25-$35 dollar cultivars
To enquire about availability or to order, email me at sundragondaylilies@gmail.com
I have added two new pages to the categories section for 2025.
One of the new pages is a listing of all my $25 to $35 cultivars, and the other is a section on Daylilies For Permacultural Uses.
Each page features my introductions broken up to groups within the category.
Each entry is linked to that cultivar's description page with multiple images.
This section lists each year of my daylily introductions.
Click the year to go to that page.
Each image is linked to the description page for that cultivar.
The description pages feature multiple images, stats and a full description.
This section is a listing of all my cultivars with their availability.
Where available the current price is listed with the name of the cultivar.
Each name is linked to the description page for that cultivar.
This list is faster to search for availability and price of individual cultivars.
The statistics for each cultivar is still listed in the Full List page.
Lovely images from some of my customers. Check them out to see a few of my cultivars in different environments.
When you get to the bottom of the page, if you see a plus sign (+) and the words 'show more', click those words and more images will expand down. There are a good few images on this page right now, so watch for the + show more.
For customer images go to the Customer Images page.
Whether you have a simple issue or would like to develop a strategy or breeding plan, I can assist you. Click here to go to my Consultation/Mentoring page.
Sun Dragon Daylilies is a daylily breeding program and not a garden center or nursery. This website is an information resource about my breeding program and the introductions that come from it. While I offer a small number of plants for placement each year, to spread them to other growers and breeders so that they can have an impact in other gardens and breeding programs, this is not a commercial operation. My focus is my breeding program and getting the best of my work from that program into the hands of other daylily enthusiasts. I never maintain plants in commercial numbers and do not have a public display or sales garden. I ship within two small windows each year, in spring and in late summer/early fall. I do not ship through the rest of the year to allow me to focus on my breeding program and the extensive garden work that it requires. I am the only worker here in my garden. I have no employs, as this is not a business. While I think many of my cultivars would be excellent candidates for commercial purposes, I do not maintain large enough numbers of any of my introductions to facilitate commercial production, though I can make individual divisions available for those who might be interested in growing them for potential commercial purposes.
I have loved daylilies since early childhood. They can be ideal garden plants, wonderful for average homeowners who just want some pretty flowers, young people who want to learn to grow and breed plants and want something easy and forgiving to start with, average gardeners who love flowers, all the way up to advanced hobbyists and collectors who are looking for the most extreme and advanced. However, all daylilies are not created equally, and it is important to know what daylilies are right for your needs.
It is my goal to breed plants that are easy to care for regardless of your skill level, that have great value for breeding projects of any kind and that also offer advances in form and flower as well as in the plant traits.
Feel free to spend time here. This website is designed to be an information resource about my breeding program and the introductions that come from it. The articles and links section has many available articles. The listing for each cultivar features a page of pictures and my anecdotal observations for each cultivar. Enjoy!
Because this is just a big, slightly out-of-control hobby that is taking place in my personal garden, and space is always a concern, I will gradually discontinue growing many of my older introductions over time. In 2022, I am making the first discontinuations of some of my earliest diploid introductions. I will continue to stop carrying more of my diploid introductions over the next few years as I move deeper and deeper into my tetraploid program. My goal with my diploid introductions is to get them out to other breeders and growers so that the interesting traits such as unique flower traits and/or rust resistance are available to daylily enthusiasts, to grow in their gardens and use in their breeding programs. With my focus on tetraploids and a limited amount of space, many of my diploid introductions will only be available for placement for about five years before they are discontinued. I will probably still retain a clump, so I may be able to share a division in some instances, but I can't guarantee that will be the case for every one of my diploid introductions. Discontinued cultivars from my own introductions will be noted as such in the Daylily Availability list.